2023 OneWord Reflection: Power

Part 1

I introduced Power as my OneWord for 2023 by saying I wanted to redefine Power. I didn’t resonate with the traditional dictionary definitions of force and control. I wanted to find Power in flow and imperfection. And when I thought ahead to the end of a Power-filled year, I imagined feeling clear, confident, and strong. I naively imagined that clear, confident, and strong would be my new normal. Part of me expected it to be a constant state.

But as I sit here, present, on December 30th, my feelings aren’t exactly that simple. I certainly have had moments of clarity, confidence, and strength this year. But what I didn’t expect to feel at the end of 2023 was grief.

On December 19th, we laid to rest my godfather, my Uncle John. And about a month prior, we said goodbye to a childhood coach, the father of my friend Whitney. Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one knows that grief doesn’t always leave you feeling particularly powerful.

Look, this was an incredible year for me both personally and professionally. But it has taken a great deal of intentionality to look back and to see Power in all its varied forms. 

At the end of each year, I typically share a summary of lessons learned through the lens of my OneWord. And I’ve shared that reflection for Power below. But I wanted to – or needed to – share this context first. Without it, the picture of Power in 2023 would feel incomplete and out of integrity.

And if there is anything I’ve learned about the definition of Power it’s that integrity is key.


Part 2

On January 2nd 2023, I wrote:

“The Power I’m interested in exploring this year has little to do with force or control or authority and more to do with personal strength and grounded confidence. The Power I’m envisioning for this year has poise and gracefulness and fluidity. I want to notice Power in the quiet and unexpected places, in failure, imperfection, and paradox.”

As I reread this quote, I see that I knew exactly how I wanted to define power… in theory. What 2023 was really about was exploring that definition of Power in action.

As I said in my previous post, this has been an incredible year for me both personally and professionally. I have experienced some of the highest highs and some unexpectedly low lows. 

But always Power was there. 

I found Power in many ways this year. I found Power…

  • by becoming my own capable leader

  • by asking myself, “What are you pretending not to know?”

  • by asking for the support I need

  • by accepting compliments and help from others

  • by responding with and from integrity

  • by acting in abundance

  • by acting in courage

  • by being kind to myself

  • and by dreaming and believing big

Beneath each of these bullet points, I have specific examples of the actions I took to bring my definition of Power to life. These examples became evidence and strengthened my belief in the Power I possess. 

As I enjoy a peaceful dinner with good friends this evening, I will be celebrating each and every one of these Powerful moments. I will be raising a glass to how much I’ve grown and how far I’ve come. 

🥂 How will you be celebrating your growth and progress this year?


New Year, New You!