Growth vs Stagnation

stagnation (n): the state or condition of having stopped, as by ceasing to run or flow; a failure to develop, progress, or advance

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. Blood clots (stagnation of the blood) can cause all kinds of health problems from strokes to pulmonary embolism. 

Rest is important.

Slowness can be powerful.

But we are not meant to be immobile. 

We are meant to learn and evolve. 
And as uncomfortable as it may feel, we are meant to grow. 🌱

Growth has long been one of my core values. To me, growth means showing up in search of inspiration, creativity, curiosity, wonder, and wisdom. It’s a mindset that encourages me to be grateful for all the things I don’t know and the limitless possibilities at hand. It involves both the outward and the inward, the head and the heart.

Although the word growth is grammatically a noun, it has a kinetic energy within it - asking me to stand up and encouraging me to take the next step. 

What step can you take toward growth today? 


New Year, New You!


Be In On The Joke